How to Avoid Tension in Your Snare Drum Playing

Tension is the great killer of many things and when we’re speaking of drumming, tension can really cause problems with your tendons. Getting tendonitis is not fun at all. I’ve had it but not from playing drums fortunately (be careful when you clean your swimming pool). Anyway, if you are experiencing any tension while you […]

How to Play a Snare Drum Roll

The snare drum roll is created by playing alternating strokes R L R L etc, and letting the stick buzz on the drum head while you do this. In order to play a buzz you have to control the stick so that it stays on the drum head with just enough pressure. If there is […]

How to Play a Paradiddle

RLRR LRLL The para- diddle is the most important rudiment of them all because contained within this short 4 note rudiment are the two essential building blocks of snare drumming technique Practice your para-diddles so that you can play them in your sleep or at least whenever you want to. Practice your para-diddles going from […]

How to Play an Open Stroke Snare Drum Roll

The open stroke snare drum roll is simply playing RRLLRRLLRRLLRLLRLLRRLLRRLLRRLL and in order to develop control you want to practice playing from very slow to as fast as you can play and then slow back down to the speed where you started. The goal of this roll exercise is to speed up and slow down […]